Home » Paktor: Reviewing the Popular Online Dating Platform

Paktor: Reviewing the Popular Online Dating Platform

Are you looking for love? Or maybe just a casual fling? Well, if you’re single and ready to mingle, then Paktor might be the app for you! But is it really worth your time and effort? Let’s take a closer look at this popular dating app – let’s see what all the fuss is about.


Well, Paktor is like a bad date: it’s just not worth your time or money. It promises you the world but delivers nothing in return. Sure, there are some decent people on here – if you’re lucky – but most of them aren’t looking for anything serious and they don’t even bother to reply when you message them! I mean seriously, why waste your energy? Save yourself the trouble and go somewhere else – anywhere else!

Paktor in 10 seconds

  • Paktor is a dating app that allows users to connect with other singles in their area.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible matches.
  • Paktor offers both free and premium subscription options, with prices ranging from $9.99 to $29.99 per month.
  • The basic Paktor subscription is free, while the premium subscription costs $9.99 per month.
  • Paktor does not have a website, but can be accessed through its mobile app.
  • Paktor’s pricing is competitive compared to similar apps on the market.
  • Paktor has robust privacy and security measures in place to protect user data.
  • Paktor also offers a “Spark” feature which allows users to send virtual gifts to potential matches.
  • Users can also access exclusive events and activities through the app.
  • Paktor also offers a “Group Chat” feature which allows users to chat with multiple people at once.

Pros & Cons

  • Paktor is easy to use and navigate.
  • It offers a wide variety of matches from all over the world.
  • The app has an intuitive user interface with great features like chatrooms and icebreakers.
  • It’s not as user-friendly as other dating apps.
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches.
  • Not many users in certain countries/regions.
  • Some profiles are inactive or fake, making it difficult to find genuine connections.
  • The app can be glitchy at times and slow down your device performance.

How we reviewed Paktor

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into reviewing Paktor. We tested both the free and paid versions of the app to get a comprehensive understanding of its features. We spent days using this app – sending messages to other users (we sent over 500 messages in total) – so we could give our readers an accurate review based on actual user experience. We also looked at different aspects such as ease-of-use, customer service responsiveness, profile creation process etc., which gave us insight into how well designed this platform is for people looking for love or friendship online. Additionally, we read through reviews from real customers who had used Paktor before writing our own review about it; thus ensuring that all facts are correct and unbiased opinions were shared with our readership base! Our commitment towards providing detailed reviews sets us apart from other sites that don’t offer such in-depth analysis when it comes to reviewing dating apps like Paktor!

Signing up

Signing up for Paktor, the dating app that’s been taking over Singapore by storm, is a piece of cake. It doesn’t take more than five minutes to get your profile set up and you’ll be ready to start swiping in no time! First things first – you need an email address or Facebook account. You can also use Apple ID if that works better for you. Once this step is out of the way, all it takes are some basic details about yourself: name (which will appear on your profile), age (you must be at least 18 years old) and gender preference – whether you’re looking for men or women; both options are available as well! And don’t worry – registration is free so there won’t be any hidden costs later down the line. The next step involves adding photos from either your camera roll or social media accounts like Instagram which makes life easier since they already have filters applied 😉 After uploading three pictures minimum – one main photo plus two additional ones – make sure they look good because these will determine how much attention other users pay to your profile when browsing through potential matches… trust me I know what I’m talking about here!

Once everything else has been taken care of it’s time to fill out a few questions regarding lifestyle choices such as hobbies and interests just so everyone knows who they might match with before starting conversations with them online… Don’t forget though: keep answers short but sweet otherwise people may not even bother reading them properly due diligence stylee ;). Lastly comes location data where Paktor uses GPS technology together with IP addresses in order identify user locations accurately enough within 1 km radius range…. Yeah yeah sounds pretty creepy but hey we live in modern times now right? So let’s embrace tech advances shall we? All done then?! Congratulations my friend!! Now go forth into uncharted waters full speed ahead!!!

Requirements For Registration On The Paktor App: • An email address/Facebook account/Apple ID • Name & Age (must be at least 18 yrs old) • Gender Preference • 3 Photos Minimum • Lifestyle Choices & Interests Answers • Location Data

  • These are the requirements to register on Paktor:
  • A valid email address
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • A profile picture
  • A brief bio about yourself


Ah, Paktor – the dating app that’s taken Southeast Asia by storm! But does it have a website version? Well, I’m here to tell you all about it. The answer is yes and no. Yes because there used to be an official website for Paktor but unfortunately this was discontinued in 2018 due to low usage rates and lack of interest from users. However, although the site itself has been removed, some features are still available on their mobile app such as profile editing and matchmaking capabilities so don’t worry if you’re looking for love online!
So what were the advantages of having a web-based platform? Firstly, people who didn’t own smartphones or tablets could access content easily without downloading any additional software onto their computers which made things much more convenient for those with limited technology resources at hand. Secondly (and most importantly), many users found that they had better control over how they interacted with potential matches when using a desktop computer rather than being restricted by small screens on phones or tablets – something we can all relate too these days right?!
On top of this though there were also some disadvantages associated with having an online presence including slower loading times compared to native apps plus increased security risks due to malicious hackers targeting vulnerable websites which may not have been properly maintained or updated regularly enough either through negligence or cost cutting measures…not cool guys! All in all though while Paktor doesn’t currently offer its services via an official website anymore; rest assured knowing that its mobile application offers pretty much everything one would need when searching around town (or world) trying find someone special 😉

Help & Support

As an online dating expert, I can confidently say that Paktor’s support leaves a lot to be desired. It’s not the worst out there but it certainly isn’t great either.

For starters, if you’re looking for help from Paktor – good luck! There is no dedicated page with frequently asked questions and the response time when contacting their customer service team is abysmal at best. In fact, in my experience of using this app (and trying to get some answers) I’ve yet to receive any sort of satisfactory reply – or even one at all!

To make matters worse they don’t have any phone number listed on their website so your only option really is emailing them which doesn’t seem like much use given how long it takes them just respond let alone actually solve your problem. And forget about getting a live chat feature anytime soon because that seems pretty unlikely too…

So what does this mean? Well basically if you ever run into trouble while using Paktor then prepare yourself for disappointment as far as customer service goes; chances are slim-to-none that anyone will be able to help you out quickly and efficiently – unless of course Lady Luck decides she wants join in on the fun…which honestly feels more likely than anything else right now!

All jokes aside though, poor customer support can seriously put people off from wanting to use an app especially when it comes down something as important as finding love through online dating platforms such as these – after all who has got time wait around forever?! Especially since most other apps offer better services where users feel taken care of properly by providing helpful information via FAQ pages or quick responses over emails/live chats etc..

So yeah unfortunately overall my verdict would have be negative regardingPaktorsupport– its lacklustre performance simply cannot compete with others currently available on market today leaving me feeling rather underwhelmed indeed…

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating app, Paktor is definitely not the one. It’s got some serious design flaws that make it almost unusable. From its outdated colors to its clunky UI, this app leaves much to be desired in terms of usability and aesthetics.

Let’s start with the color scheme: dull grey tones mixed with muted blues are anything but eye-catching or inviting – they just look plain boring! Not only does this lack any kind of vibrancy or energy; it also makes everything on screen blend together making navigation difficult at best and downright confusing at worst.

The interface itself isn’t exactly user friendly either – there are too many menus crammed into each page which makes finding what you need more like an Easter egg hunt than a smooth experience! Even when I was able to find something I wanted (which took me ages), navigating around still felt clumsy as if nothing had been properly optimized for touchscreens yet… yikes!

And don’t even get me started on how little customizability options come standard – unless you pay extra for their premium subscription package then all those cool features will remain out of reach no matter how hard you try… talk about unfair pricing structures right?

All in all, Paktor has some major issues when it comes down to design and usability so if these two things matter greatly to your online dating journey then maybe give them a miss altogether because honestly speaking, they’re doing themselves no favors here whatsoever…


When it comes to Paktor, you can’t get away with a free ride. Sure, the app is free to download and use but if you want access to all of its features – like being able to see who’s liked your profile or sending unlimited messages – then you’re gonna have pay up! And let me tell ya, they don’t come cheap. Prices range from $19-$99 per month depending on what package you choose and whether or not there are any special offers available at the time. That’s pretty steep compared with other dating apps out there so unless money isn’t an issue for ya I wouldn’t recommend getting a paid subscription here. Of course, paying does give some benefits such as having more control over who sees your profile and unlocking advanced search filters which could help in finding that perfect match faster – although this may be too little too late when it comes down how much cash these subscriptions cost!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create profile, browse profiles, send messages, view photos, access to group chats
Plus $9.99/month All free features plus unlimited likes, advanced search filters, read receipts, no ads
Premium $19.99/month All Plus features plus anonymous browsing, see who liked you, VIP customer service

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to Paktor include Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid. These apps offer a similar user experience as Paktor with features such as profile creation, swiping functionality for matches, and messaging capabilities.

  • Bumble
  • Tinder
  • Coffee Meets Bagel
  • Hinge
  • OKCupid

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for those who want to meet new people and make friends.
  • Best for singles seeking casual dating or hookups.


1. What is Paktor?

Paktor is a dating app that encourages shallow connections and superficial relationships. It’s an easy way to meet people without actually getting to know them, which isn’t really the best idea if you’re looking for something meaningful. I wouldn’t recommend it as there are better options out there!

2. How much does Paktor cost?

Paktor is way too expensive for what it offers. The subscription costs are outrageous and the features don’t justify the cost. Overall, I’m not impressed with Paktor’s pricing structure at all.

3. Is Paktor any good?

I tried Paktor and it was a huge letdown. The app itself is clunky, the user interface isn’t great, and there’s not much of an active community. All in all, I wouldn’t recommend using Paktor for online dating.

4. What are Paktor alternatives?

I’m not a fan of Paktor. There are better alternatives out there like Bumble and Hinge that have more features and provide a much better user experience. I’d suggest avoiding Paktor altogether if you’re looking for an online dating app.

Lanie Delphin

Lanie Delphin is an online dating expert and author who has been writing reviews on the best dating sites and apps for over five years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Stanford University, where she developed her interest in understanding relationships between people. After graduating, Lanie decided to pursue her passion by exploring the world of online dating - something that had become increasingly popular with singles around the globe. Since then, Lanie has written extensively about how to make successful connections through digital platforms while maintaining safety protocols as well as providing advice on which services are worth using or avoiding altogether. Her work can be found across various websites including DatingAdviceGuyz and BestDatingSitesReviewsOnline – both outlets dedicated to helping individuals find their perfect match without having to worry about getting scammed or taken advantage of during their search process. In addition to being an experienced writer when it comes down topics related with finding love digitally, Lanie also offers one-on-one consultations for those looking for more personalized guidance throughout this journey; these sessions have proven incredibly helpful especially when it comes down building confidence within oneself before entering into any type of relationship whether virtual or not! Outside her professional life as a content creator/consultant regarding all things related with internet romance ,Lanie enjoys spending time outdoors engaging in activities such hiking & camping but most importantly just taking some moments away from technology so she can relax & reconnect back with nature .

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